So folks, don't despair and above all, "DO NOT PANIC!" As I really am about to drop down into Tibet itself the chances of finding an Internet connection sound pretty slim. I can recall at least one occasion when a lack of contact has caused concern, well this time it could be the best part of a month before I'm back on line. If you submit your email address you'll be notified of when this actually happens, and it won't cost you a penny, despite the ominous term, 'subscribe'.
Bear that in mind, and don't get out the habit of following my journey, I will be back! No doubt when I finally get to regale my epic adventures of Chinese occupied Tibet there will be plenty to tell. Most of all there will be countless breath taking photos. And for general information, I hope you realise that by clicking on any of the photos featured on my blog you can admire them full screen, and even zoom in for more graphic detail.
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