Saturday, 21 September 2013

Another change, a new chapter in life

Despite not indulging myself in public literary (if that is what they can be claimed to be) ramblings I haven’t given up on life. True I have felt very introspective, though have not lost myself to inner turmoil or torment. I’ve merely taken a step sideways to enjoy a relatively peaceful existence beyond the vagaries of every day, mundane life. Sloth and torpor have ruled my life for the last four months, and it has failed to raise the slightest concern. I guess I needed to rid myself of irrelevancies in my life, and I think I’ve done just that. I’m tempted to claim complete lethargy, but I’m far too honest for my own good (honest officer). I have been on a few trips within the UK, though not as many as I tend to promise people. If you’re one of the lucky one’s, well, lucky you. Otherwise, I apologise to the sadly neglected. Excuses, I have none! Sorry folks, I’ve been running on fumes.

Does this imply that I’m topped up and raring to go now? Naaa, but it takes more than that to keep me down for long. I’m bloody-minded at the best of times, out of sheer stubbornness I refuse to give up for long. So while it was a nice escape for a while, it’s about bloody time I got on with my life again. Wallowing in self-pity isn’t an attractive disposition, luckily that stage of my musings was short though certainly not sweet. It was a process that needed going through though, to clear the mind and allow my troubles to fall from my shoulders. As you’ve probably read my return from India was unplanned and under unpleasant circumstances, but I’m not going to go on about death and grief, to be honest I’ve had enough of that. It may be hard to lose those you love, even harder to accept the loss of someone you might have neglected, but you can’t give up on your own life. Don’t regret what you didn’t do with someone, cherish that which you did do.

I had hoped to have written more of my second book before returning to the UK. It took me four months to write half the proposed text, it felt harder going than the first. Hopefully I’m back on track now and about to plunge back into the fray. I’ve had my mind on the Philippines for a while, as a destination to relax and finish the book. I was even contemplating going directly from India, before events spiralled out of my control. Ever since, I’ve claimed to being close to booking a flight, and checked prices regularly. It didn’t grab me and having me gagging at the bit though, I kept putting it off. Truth be told I found myself withdrawing from the world around me in India, my thoughts befuddled and frustration at not writing more getting the better of me. So I didn’t want the Philippines to be the same.

The simple solution was to spice up the trip a bit, once more treat it as a cultural exchange, an adventure rather than simply an exotic office space. Yeah, I know another example of my appalling work ethic. But hey, I’ve always preferred a balanced life style, at least two months off for every month worked. Before I sicken you with my irresponsible attitudes, let me assure you I have worked often enough in my life. Sometimes it’s even overshadowed my penchant for the easy life, money has a habit of doing that, but I’ve never lost sight of enjoying life for no other reason than the sheer enjoyment of living. And so it came to be in India, finding myself lost in an unshakable desire to write at all costs, disregarding the multitude of ever-present distractions (well, almost).

So, instead of thinking along the lines of where to go to finish writing my next master piece, I started thinking of how I could combine it with something a bit more exciting. As the Philippines was already on the agenda Borneo, being next door, was an obvious extension to the trip. Now let’s be honest, Borneo isn’t merely a side line to another trip, it’s too big and too primitive to play second fiddle to anywhere else. However long I was to spend writing in the Philippines, I decided Borneo would need at least three months to explore and appreciate. And basically that’s the point at which I found myself when only two weeks ago I booked a flight to Manila. I will spend two or three months in the Philippines first, but then I will be Borneo bound. Hey I grew up with tales of my father patrolling Borneo rain forests amongst head hunters and nigh on invisible bushwhacking guarillas.

Onto a change of blog, yes it’s time again. My new blog site can be found at the following link: Borneo Bound. Be sure to switch over your allegiance, because this site is about to become a thing of historical record than a contemporary delight. Thanks for following this for so long, hope to see you all on the flip side.

(Photos: A mixed bag of my days on the Andaman Islands, a few I thought were worth seeing again)